Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Job offers in Japan -May 20, 2007

By now I have heard back from both companies. Both A___ and N___ offered me jobs to teach in Japan.

A___ was first, since I interviewed with them first. In fact, I interviewed with them exactly a week before I interviewed with N___. What ended up happening is that they called me in the middle of my interview with N___, while I was on a break. It lifted my spirits that they offered the job. The gentleman told me that, should I accept the position, I would be teaching at a school in Nagoya, as one of two Westerners. That seemed nice that it would be a small school like that. He also told me that the place where they set up for me to live would be about 7 minutes from my place of employment, so that made it even more appealing. However, because A___ was unable to accommodate both Paola and myself, I declined the position. (I think that what they did say was that if Paola and I both applied together (Paola didn’t even bother to apply), they would try to get us as close together as they could, but they were sure that they wouldn’t be able to give us one living space to live together, so that ultimately made the decision for me.)

As cool as it was to decline a position (the guy on the phone sounded surprised when I said that I wouldn’t be taking it), it was still a little scary. What if N___ did not accept me after all? That worry was alleviated this week when they sent me an email offering me a position to teach. Before they could actually offer me a position, however, I had to submit to a background check, which cost US$55. So, although they did say that I have the job, they did not give me the details of the position yet (I just might not pass the background check). However, I did get a good feeling that they would try as best they could to set me up where I want to go, which is Tokyo. The other wildcard is Paola’s application.

Paola applied a couple of days after me, and my interview day filled up quickly, so she has to wait until two weeks after my interview, which is the 31st of May, this Thursday. We are both a bit nervous about it, but we are using the extra time to prepare her for the interview. Since I already went through it, I know everything that they are going to throw at her, and I am trying to coach her on a few things, especially the public speaking and teaching portions. I think she will do fine.

Having been offered the job, and with Paola’s interview this week, I am getting very excited about the whole prospect of going to Japan. If I could, I would go right now. But due to visa restrictions (I am going to get a working visa), I will not be allowed to be there before the date designated on the visa. I guess I will have to wait.

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