Friday, November 23, 2007

Koh Samui – November 2, 2007

I was happy to get out of Bangkok today. It was especially pleasing since I felt a lot better than the previous day. Today we went to the airport, and took a plane to an island of Bangkok called Koh Samui. It is one of the only (if not the only) island to have an airport. If we would have had more time on the schedule, then I would have been for traveling to some of the other islands by ferry. However, since our time was limited, I thought that it was best to just fly to this one island, and try to enjoy what we could there.

I think that the thing that Paola wanted to see most about Thailand was her tropical islands. When we lived in New York and talked about going on vacations, Paola would always suggest that we go to the Caribbean. She likes the idea of laying out on a pretty, tropical beach with blue water and yellow sand. This appeals to me only very slightly, and for that reason, I had to use my veto power to stop us from vacationing so, since I would rather spend travel money on places that are of cultural value, rather than recreational value. However, since this trip was planned on the fly, and the places that I wanted to visit were too expensive, I had to give in and accept that we would take a nice tropical vacation.

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