Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lunch and evening in Shibuya

Before we went there, though, we decided that it would be nice to sit down for a proper meal. Yesterday, all we did was stop at convenience stores and eat pork filled dumplings, or we would get a drink from the several vending machines on the street. I practiced some Japanese, which was fun, and we ate some sushi, some of which was good, and some otherwise. We thought that we would go to the Apple Store up the way, do what we needed to, then go home, because we were tired.

I sat our front of the Apple Store (there isn’t much space inside the store) and uploaded tons of content, and looked online for other stuff. I think that I must have sat there for a couple of hours. We were proud that we had so much content to upload: about ten pages of single spaced writing, over two hundred photos, and about ten minutes of video. The writing was already done, but everything still took a long time to upload. Plus, we looked at a lot of stuff online, like where the other Apple Store was (in Ginza district, closer to the Imperial Palace, where we were earlier), and replied to some emails.

Sitting on a planter on the sidewalk, I noticed a lot of people looking at me, and finally someone came up to talk to me. His name was Damien, and he was from Leon, France. He looked like he was a teenager, or in his early twenties. He asked me about the mac I was using, because he had the same one, so we talked for a while. That was fun. Talking with someone, plus having sat there for two hours helped us realize that we should get up and do something. We decided that we would try to find a bar to sit and have at least one drink.

While we were walking around, we came upon some sort of festival, or procession. There was one wave of people who were beating drums, then another wave that were playing flutes, banging small cymbals, and dancing. The last wave of the procession was a mini-float of a samurai, lit up from the inside. It was really neat, and we followed it to the end, which was only a few blocks. It was really interesting and a lot of other people were following, taking pictures too. After that, our exhaustion caught up with us, so we decided to go home, and call it a day.

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