Saturday, September 15, 2007

Paola says.....

This is some of what Paola wrote about our trip so far. Remember, to see all the Japan blogs, click "September" to the left.

SEPTEMBER 11, 2007

After spending 2 lovely weeks in LA with George’s family, the day had finally arrived. September 11, of all days, we left for Japan. Even waiting at our gate I already felt we were there because we were the only white people. We were able to sit on two ailse seats which was nice because we were together, but still had room to stretch out. George already looked exhausted even before we took off. Eventhough we did not have individual screens, which would have helped in flying by the time, I did manage to watch Shrek 3 on the big screen. Surprisingly, the 11 and half hour flight did not seem that long. So we arrived in Narita, and met up with a Nova representative, and then met up with the rest of the 40 or so other new teachers that had just arrived from all over. So we were given packets with all the information we needed, from the key to our new home, to maps, to applications for opening bank accounts, etc, etcc… it is actually a lengthy process. I mean, we have to apply to get an alien registration card, which we did the following day, which I will get into shortly. Then, you need the certificate, not the card, which you pick up later, to send with the application to sign up for a bank account. But then I thought about having to get a cell phone, and connection with internet, phone and cable to our home, etc, etc…. they are small things, but they add up and at the beginning it is a bit overhwhelming. Well, I’ll continue with that later. So then Nova bought us a bus ticket, and told us to get on it and it would take 2 hours to get to the subway station near our home. When we arrived at the subway station, we would be greeted by yet another NOVA rep, who would accompany us on the subway to our home. He did meet us on time, thank goodness, and we went 4 srops to our new subway stop, after which we had to walk about 10 minutes to get to our apartment.
Our apartment, wow, that was a bit of a shocker. It kind of looked like a motel. We walked in and it did feel small, really small at the time. By this time, I was so tired. After a 12 hour flight, and another 6 hours for meeting up, traveling to our home, etc, that is a looooong time to be up. Once Tony, the Nova rep left, I just started to cry. I suppose I was just a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing, which is only normal, but I was so thankful that I was emabarking on this with george.


Woke up at 4am and was wide awake, but decided I needed to sleep, so went back to sleep. George, naturally, didn’t. He was all excited and started exploring outside, making videos of the apartment, etc… So at 7 I decided to get up. Our luggage was to be delivered between 9 and 12 noon, and since we had time, we decided to take a walk and start buying supplies we desperately needed. Like towels to shower with, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, food, the essentials. Of course, it was too early and nothing was open, but we walked to the subway station and found a 24 hour market, so we bought some food.
So that was the first walk around my new neighborhood. It is kind of out in the sticks, but it still is pretty bustiling. Its kind of like living in the Bronx. Anyway, so we got back at around 9ish, and as predicted, george fell asleep, and I started to unpack my carry on bags.
After our bags were delivered, we went to apply for our alien registration card at some sort of city office. Nova had given us instructions as to how to get there and what to do. So, well, just finding the bus was difficult because like I said, everything is in Japanese, but we managed to find our way. Then at the place, the guy didn’t speak one word, not one, but again, we managed. So we got our certificates, one which we have to send to apply for our bank accounts, and one which, until we get the card, in 2 weeks, we can use to by a cell phone, etc. so, that was that. Then we decided to walk back to our home, where we discovered there were a couple of drug stores and grocery stores, so we explored those, and bought all our essentials to start making our home look and feel like a home. That was nice, and I started to feel better once i began to unpack and basically assign a place for things, etc. as we were unpacking, we were both contemplating why we brought so much stuff, but whatever. There is plenty of space for it, so its ok. By that time, it was already like 6 or so, so we decided to go walking thru our neighborhood again, at night. Since it was rush hour, there were more people. So we explored, walked around side streets, etc, and found that is was indeed rather bustling. By 8:30 we were soo tired we decided to head back and go to sleep. I definitely felt better than I did the day before. Slowly, slowly adjusting.


Today george again, woke up around 4am, and stayed up. Honesly I don’t know how he got through the day. I woke up at 6:30. Which is way to early for me, but I was just wide awake, still jetlagged. It is 16 hours ahead of LA time. So, 6:300am Tokyo, means it is 2:30pm the day before in LA. Crazy! And Italy is 7 hours before, so it is 11:30pm the day before there! In any case, totally jetlagged. Anyone who knows me, knows I just don’t get up at 6 in the morning bright eyed and bushy tailed. So we decided to go into the heart of Tokyo and explore. So we went to the station, managed to buy 2 tickets to Ikebukuro, which is like the central station, that connects to the central Tokyo station. So, our stop where we live is called Tsusure station. So we take the Tobo Tojo line to Ikebukuro, which is in downtown Tokyo. Then we have to get another ticket to go to other stations from ikebukuro. Unfortunately, our line does not take us directly to shibuya or Shinjuku, which is the heart. So its just a transfer. No biggie. So from tsusure to ikebukuro is 30 minutes, and it really is very efficient. Fortunately we were able to figure it all out, because the do have the names of the places in English, but its still rather tricky. Anyway, on our ride, I started listening to george’s Japanese learning cd’s which he downloaded on my I pod, and so we were both listening, and funny, its only been 2 days, but I already recognize words, and I was putting things together. I really think I’ll be able to learn it. So, then in ikebukuro, we got off and wow, there were so many more people, since it was rush hour. Technically, here we should have purchased another ticket to go to Shibuya, but we decided to be adventurous and walk. And walk we did! Sure, we got a bit lost, but figured it our with our maps. We walked and walked and finally made it to Shinjuku, which is kind of like a times square. Many stores, neon lights, etc. we stopped along the way to buy some drinks and food. Again, not one word of English. And its cool, cuz they have vending machines to buy drinks, even beer, like on every block. So we walked some more, taking everything in. Its interesting, because they have shrines, just nestled in the middle of the big city. We saw a cemetery, but figured it wasn’t proper to go around taking pictures, so we discreetly took a few and left. Another thing I noticed is that it is sooo humid here. I don’t know if it’s a normal thing or not ,but its humid. And also, everyone rides bikes. But we couldn’t figure out if there was a system for what side to walk on. It seemed like there wasn’t. so you just have to be careful.
So we continued to walk and made it to Harajuku, which is sort of like the punk rock district of Soho in new york. Just very young, hip, cool shopping stores. Very punk. Its consists of many narrow streets, just lined with shops of crazy clothing. They even have signs saying no pictures allowed. Anyway, so we ran into many tourists here. This is the area made famous because every Sunday, people come out and walk around here in Halloween costurmes basically. In New york we saw a book, actually george bought it, on portraits of the people in costume. Crazy shit! Very goth, Lolita style. Anyway, it’s a photographers dream, right? So ya, they just walk around like that. So even on Friday, one could see this vibe. People were already dressing up. Crazy! I can’t wait till Sunday. Freak show! And its super, super crowded.
So, we took pictures and left Harajuku on our way to Shibuya. We took many little side streets, and I guess this is where the residential neighborhood lie. There is so little space in Tokyo, that they just have to cram it in. But its funny, in the middle of all this chaos, there are these very quanit, little streets, with little houses and aapartments. But everything is so crammed. Anyway, so we headed for Shibuya, another major district. Also for shopping, everyghing. It is also very young oriented, and very trendy. Full of bars, shops, restaurants. There is a famous meeting place by a statue of a dog. The story goes that a long time ago, the dog’s owner left him there and so the dog waitied patiently to return, and he never did. He waited for 10 ears, until he died. So they made a statue for him. So, that is the general meeting point. And indeed it was. It was crowded. Soooo many people, its unbelievable. By that point we were soooo tired. It was like 2 or 3 pm and we had been walking since 9am basically. So we sat at a crowded starbucks, yes, you heard right, starbucks, and drank something and cooled off, while overlooking the crowds below. And then we decided we had enough, time to go home, but not before going to an internet cafĂ©, and the apple store, where we could use free internet. Then, at 7is, rush hour, we headed for home. Madness on the subway again! But we made it, got home, took a shower and crashed.

So that gives you a taste of our first 3 days here in Tokyo. I still can’t believe I’m here. Today we will explore some more, and Sunday we will get ready for Monday, which is our first day, on the job training. My work station is only 3 stops from my home, so that’s nice, oh, and george and I have 2 coinciding days off. Yey. So anyway, ya, Monday, we go in, and I’ll find out all I need to know about getting connected, etc, etc. because I don’t’ know what company I should use, etc. they need to tell me. So hopefully soon I will have internet and phone and I just can’t wait. You have no idea. Anyway, so I hope you enjoy reading about my first 3 days in Tokyo. And there will be more to come

1 comment:

Viviana said...

Hi Paola. Enjoyed reading your impressions of your first three days in Tokyo. Hectic place, it seems! I'll comment further soon.
