Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Kanda Myojin Shrine

After taking care of our official business, we decided to do a little more sightseeing. I wanted to go to Akihabara because I was thinking of getting a new camera, and I had heard that they might have cameras cheap in that neighborhood. Since there was a shrine nearby, we decided to go there first, before the sun went down.

Kanda Myojin shrine is at the top of a hill, in between several big buildings. It is a neat setting for a shrine. The grounds are big, and there were several buildings, temples, and little shrines all around. It was pretty neat. I got some pictures, but I could tell that they were not that good, and I was anxious to go and try to find a new camera. So, although there was a lot to see there, and we spent quite a while walking around, I never got in a good mood. Another thing might be that after seeing several shrines by now, it is getting a little boring seeing another one. Maybe when I am in a better mood (a mood set off by the impersonal people at the Citibank), I will go again and try to get more of a good vibe about it.

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