Monday, October 29, 2007

Kinkaku-ji: the Golden Pavilion

Golden Pavilion up close
Golden Pavilion
The only thing that I had my mind set on seeing today was the Golden Pavilion. It was built by Yoshimitsu, the grandfather of Yoshimasa, who built the Silver Pavilion (in fact, Yoshimasa built the Silver Pavilion as a response, and in deference to his grandfather, who had already built the Golden Pavilion). Having walked through Kyoto for a couple of days now, we had already seen lots of postcards and other pictures of the Golden Pavilion, so I didn’t expect to be surprised when we saw it in person.

Walking through the gate, and seeing it through the trees, the Golden Pavilion’s size, and gold-leaf walls shocked me. It really was something. I don’t think that there is another building like it anywhere, all covered in gold like that. Standing in front of a lake, with his gold building reflecting off of the water, I am sure that Yoshimitsu was proud of what he had built.

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